Living Awareness Ezine Edition One August 2006

Melissa's Living Awareness e-Newsletter

LIVING AWARENESS Creative Tips, Conversations, and Connections to Inspire Vibrant Living with Clarity, Focus and Joy
August 2006

Dear Subscriber,

WHAT YOU NOTICE MATTERS! Living Awareness was created to emphasize that universal truth. My intention is to highlight the benefits of living with great awareness and personal insight (see article 2: Defining Living Awareness below). And my hope is that the information, interviews, interesting ideas and links presented here will inspire daily living that is fully awake.

Life is abundantly rich and multi-layered. Only through interested, curious-minded observation can we reap all the opportunities and gifts that are presented each day. Through moments of alertness and mindful consideration we can understand how we best exist in the world. May these concepts and personal truths reach your open mind and heart.

I wish this to be a dialogue exchange, so I would love to hear your comments, ideas and questions. Please email me anytime. You can click here to go to my contact page.

Melissa Wadsworth is an author specializing in creative awareness and personal growth topics. Through her public relations and public speaking buisness, she emphasizes the vital importance of curiosity, clear intentions and conscious communications to a satisfying and successful life path.

In This Issue:
  • Featured Book
  • The Law of Attraction Expert: Meet JT Chandler
  • Defining Living Awareness
  • Inspirational Quote
  • Living Awareness Exercise
  • Important: Permission & Guidelines to Reprint Articles

  • The Law of Attraction Expert: Meet JT Chandler

    JT Chandler is a “Law of Attraction” expert, who shares his knowledge about living a life of abundance with other like-minded souls on his Web m. He has been a mechanic, a racecar driver, building contractor, commodities trader and business marketer. Currently, he’s at work creating an Internet media company that will connect people to meaningful and helpful regional resources around the world.

    General Awareness
    Self-described as naturally aware, JT understates the case when he says: “I have a keen ability for observation, analysis and forward thinking.” His powers of observation and subsequent recall are remarkable. He can remember being bathed in a porcelain tub with a red stripe. This fact astounded his mother who told him that he was only three months old when his grandmother washed him in that bowl. Apparently no detail of his life was uninteresting or not worth remembering. He has such good recall that he can run through his life in his mind as clearly as watching a movie. Even the details sparkle.

    “I always impressed my family with my memory. I can remember it all and my brother can’t remember any of it, except when he bought his first car. Everything has impressed me from day one. Not just the significant things like birthdays but all the in-between things.”

    Defining Living Awareness

    Life is only as full, rich and satisfying as our perception allows it to be. After all, we can't appreciate what we don't notice!

    As someone who grew up a little timid and a lot observant, I have often noted that there was so much to enjoy in the world that people simply did not seem to appreciate: the mournful moan of a fog horn, the brazenness of a hummingbird at its favorite flowers; the tenderness in a small act of kindness. I came to see that there were important lessons to be learned by observing nature and watching other human beings, by studying actions and reactions -- both my own and others.

    As I grew older, I further realized that I can gain useful personal insight by simply recognizing what my attention is drawn to at any given time: what interests me; what books or works of art I am drawn to; which particular objects in nature I find the most appealing, what landscapes I prefer, and how I am feeling about the people I notice. It all matters. It is data that informs life and daily choices.

    Today, I am increasingly conscious of how I exist in the world through my senses, intentions, thoughts and actions. As I expand my perceptions and become more familiar with the workings of the world, I experience a dynamic range of benefits. To name a few:

    • I realize how intimately connected I am to everything around me.

    • I recognize that the world reflects my viewpoint at any given time. A positive attitude tends to be revealed in the positive things that I notice.
    • I experience the immense power generated by joined energy. So I reach out with increasing frequency to others, to exchange ideas, to co- create projects, to extend support.

    • I am clearer about my career goals and more often find myself directed to helpful resources.

    • I more readily accept my ability to create my experience of daily life. The potential is exciting and, at the same time, a responsibility that we each have.

    Become a connoisseur of the world
    Making observation and attention a habit is training to be a connoisseur of the world, of life.

    Inspirational Quote

    Awareness exists always. We are merely trying to tune into that channel, to spread our sensing into more of what exists there.

    Diane Alonso, Certified Poetry Therapist


    Living Awareness Exercise
    purple flower

    Each day, what you focus your attention on, and how you process and use the information perceived by your senses, is unique to your existence.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson said of Henry David Thoreau, "His eye was open to beauty, and his ear to music. He found these, not in rare conditions, but wheresoever he went."

    Taking the time to notice and appreciate our physical surroundings, and what is happening in them, is nearly always life enriching, and often calming.

    Living Awareness Exercise: Pay attention to your surroundings. Explore. Notice the the details of the individual environment that you inhabit.
    Option #1: Take a stroll through your yard or neighborhood with a notebook and write down what really catches your attention. Write for five minutes what you like or dislike. Consider how this is a reflection of your current life.
    Option #2: Take your camera along on a walk. Take pictures of what
    catches your attention. Close-ups and overall shots. Using a camera naturally focuses your attention. Consider what you find photo-worthy and why. Does it indicate a particular interest or preference? Does it correlate to what's currently on your mind? Perhaps nature reflects an emotional state you are experiencing?

    Remember, the world is often very adept at reflecting back to us what we think about and how we are feeling. Use this as a personal tool for insight.

    Important: Permission & Guidelines to Reprint Articles

    If you wish to use any of the articles from Living Awareness in your own electronic newsletter please include the following paragraph:

    Reprinted from Living Awareness, a free enewsletter featuring interviews, articles and exercises to inspire more life clarity, focus and joy. To sign up go to: and receive a free copy of Seven Steps to Self Empowerment.

    If you would like to review Living Awareness Edition 2: Successful Self Awareness CLICK HERE.


    Melissa Wadsworth is a creative self-help author and public relations specialist. She is available to speak on the following topics:

    • Effective Small Talk (Business or Personal Focus)
    • The Benefits of Living with More Awareness
    • Daily Tools for Gaining Personal Insight
    • Living Inspired: How to Create a Successful and Satisfying Existence
    • Public Relations 101

    Featured Book
    small talk

    Awareness and observation are natural small talk tools. Read more about conscious communications in my book Small Talk Savvy. It's full of tips and strategies for effective personal and business interactions. Get connected now! It's available nationwide, exclusively at Borders bookstores. Look for it in the self-help books section, shelved under "O" for operator's manual.

    Read an excerpt by clicking here.

    Other Recommended Reads:

    Sacred Waters: Stories of Healing, Cleansing and Renewal by Maril Crabtree

    Principles of Success by Jack Canfield

    Recommended Movies:

    What the Bleep Do We Know

    The Secret

    Recommended Connections

    JT Chandler

    Soulful Living ezine

    Signs of Spirit e-newsletter

    Speaking Circles

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